CESBA Alpine Space – Sustainable Territories
The CESBA Alpine Project (CESBA Alpine Space – Sustainable Territories) of the European Spatial Co-operation Program “Alpine Space” is a transnational project in spatial planning aimed at defining Alpine guidelines for the sustainability of the territories and of their built environment. The Common European Sustainable Built Environment Assessment (CESBA) is a collective European initiative launched in 2011 that provides tools, experiences and know-how to define harmonized and holistic evaluation systems for the built environment.
The currently available built environment assessment systems cover urban and small urban areas, but none for the territorial scale, typical of low-altitude rural Alpine regions. The project aims to facilitate the development, exchange, and implementation of innovative policies and projects at the territorial level on the basis of common evaluation tools. By developing a transnational evaluation framework and a strategy for low carbon sustainable territories, the project will improve the sustainability of the Alpine environment. Through the use of objective criteria and indicators, the tools will support the assessment of the sustainability of a territory (environmental, economic and social), the definition of objective territorial performance objectives, the definition of choices in planning processes at territorial level, and in the implementation and monitoring of effective policies to reduce carbon emissions, thus encouraging innovative practices at the territorial level between all stakeholders.
The main outputs of the CESBA Alps Project include:
- a transnational generic protocols for territorial assessment
- a set of harmonized and contextualized regional assessment instruments for individual territories
- a guideline for the implementation of evaluation tools in policies and plans
- a set of tools for adopting strategies for low carbon sustainable territories, and the creation of local CESBA committees.
The “CESBA Alps” project will be part of CESBA, “Transnational initiative for a new culture of the environment built in Europe” ( www.cesba.eu ), guaranteeing the durability and transferability of results in all regions of the Alpine space.
Project Partners:
1. Region of Piedmont (Capofila) – ITA
2. iiSBE Italia R & D srl. – ITA
3. Lombardy Region – ITA
4. Rhôn-Alpes Energy and Environment Agency – FR
5. Veneto Region – ITA
6. Regional Development Agency of the Voralberg-AT
7. Institute E-Zavod – SL
8. University of Applied Sciences of Monaco – DE
9. CESBA – AT Association
10. EnviroBAT-BDM-FR
11. Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development – LISD
Interreg Alpine Space programme 2014-2020
Project start date: 16/12/2015
Project end date: 15/12/2018
For further info please visit http://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/cesba-alps/en/home
Lead Partner
Patrizia Nazio | +39 0114324282 | cesba.alps@regione.piemonte.it