Time is of the essence for sustainable development and resilience: we make the rapid deployment of regenerative infrastructure work.
We are active in four programmatic modes:
We at Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development help prepare private and public entities to become more resilient to climatic, energetic and economic changes. We guide their transformation in a manner, which increases both the ecological and economic value of their infrastructure to mitigate against and adapt to climate change. We develop urban and regional energy master plans and provide sustainability advice on urban development projects. A particularly important aspect of our work is geared towards effective strategic and operational large-scale urban development advice.
We formed in response to a global recognition that major planetary indicators point not only to a necessary transformation in human settlement development and search for rapid strategies in fighting climate change tipping points and biodiversity collapse but also to the need to strengthen factors critical for human civilisation, its prosperity, innovation and development.
We recognise that isolated sustainable approaches are prone to slow uptake, errors and even failure. It pursues Rapid Regenerative Infrastructure Deployment (RRID) by integrating science, engineering, economics and finance with city, regional and infrastructure design, community planning and development.
We work for cities, towns, regional organisations, international aid bodies and private companies focused on the business of sustainable urban and regional development. Each project, every initiative is pursued with meticulous care, energy and attention to the need of client organisations, companies and communities. We do not apply standard techniques: each approach is custom tailored to specific needs and objectives, using global best practice and expertise.
Local and international experts form our core, provide guidance and leadership. They work together in sourcing and managing projects, based on tailored agreements. Our experts have worked with regions, cities and towns, local, state and national governments, the IEA, IPCC, UNDP, UNECE, UN Habitat and a number of other international organisations.
Invitation to the Global Maritime Accord – Academy 5th Webinar
Event: 8 June 2024
EST 0800, BST 1300, CET 1400, IST 1730, AEST 2200
Invitation to the 5th Webinar for Ocean and Climate Policy Innovators, Researchers and Media
Join us for Topic 5: Save the Oceans for a Safe Earth – World Ocean Day
The Global Maritime Accord (GMA) is the first integrated and coordinated approach towards the harmonized
administration and governance of the oceans, especially the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.
Event details & registration
Global Maritime Accord Academy – Current Webinars
Prof Droege Calls for Action: Regenerative Earth Decade
In support of Earth Day, observed today for the 54th year, Professor Peter Droege calls for the acceleration of the Regenerative Earth Decade (RED) Program and its climate action agenda formulated by him in 2020, and updated for today’s release.
Read more about Regenerative Earth Decade – Ten Points for Climate Stabilization
Prof Droege/LISD with British Open University stages 3rd Intelligent Environments Webinar
Transport in Intelligent Environments – The end of the tram as we know it?
25th April, 14.00-15.00 GMT
In this webinar we will discuss how transport is being reconfigured by emerging technologies and intelligent environments. Bus Rapid Transit and Trackless Trams are interrogated in the context of transitions to Net Zero, attending to the technical and institutional challenges associated with their introduction.
· Peter Droege, Director of the Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development.
· Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University , AO Order of Australia.
· James Warren, Senior lecturer in the School of Engineering and Innovation.
For information and registration, click here.
Lecture at the 2024 International 100% Renewable Energy Conference
18 April at 10.30 Eastern European Summer Time (EEST)
Prof. Droege speaks at the International 100% Renewable Energy Conference in Istanbul, on the topic:
100 % Renewable is Not Enough
For more information and program